Monday, March 13, 2023

COMMENTARY: So Why Can't We Have Softball Rankings?

Funny you should ask about that.

Plano John Paul II varsity softball coach Jayme Baker commented late Monday evening on LSCSN’s post about the latest private and parochial high school baseball rankings from Texas High School Baseball Magazine.

She said, “Wishing we had softball rankings!!!!!”

We responded, “Honestly, it was a goal of mine for this year, but just didn't get a jump on it.

“I'd rather do it right so it would have a chance at being credible.  Biggest challenge of ranking anything in private schools is strength of schedule.”

Actually, the biggest challenge is really score reporting.

TAPPS implemented a new policy that schedules must be maintained in Rank One and scores must be reported in one or two days, depending on the sport.

Football and volleyball got the year off strong.  Fall soccer did pretty good too.

(Note:  Football has its own separate network of score tracking in Texas, which makes Rank One mostly irrelevant – except where a school is following TAPPS policy and get their scores there FIRST!)

Basketball didn’t do too bad, but past the bi-district round of the playoffs compliance fell through the floor.

And we haven’t even looked at baseball yet, but we haven’t heard our good friend Brandon Brunson with Texas Private School Baseball grumbling at all so things must be OK there.

Late here on Monday evening, I just made a run through a few sources for softball.

Again, Rank One is a requirement for TAPPS schools.

If not maintained, TAPPS can issue a warning to a school and after multiple offenses, head coaches can be suspended for a game.

Additionally, all scores must be made public.

(By the way, we appreciate Beaumont Kelly’s baseball team for making their scores public after a tweet last week.  Even more, we admire the courage of Kelly’s softball team for reporting their scores – with a mark of 0-17 to date, but their scores need to be made public too like the baseball team.)

However, there are some talented softball teams that haven’t reported a score, but you can find their results all on Max Preps.

Think about it:  Max Preps is using you and your school for clicks to sell advertising revenue.

If you’re a TAPPS member school, you’re paying for the Rank One service through your membership and sport fees – and aren’t utilizing it.  

That’s a waste of your parents’ tuition dollars.

Even though it would be tempting to omit that school (or schools, if more than one) from the rankings for non-compliance, it just goes against our grain of professionalism for a team of young people that has proven itself inside the chalk lines.

Coaches need to do better.

In Max Preps, there’s 43 TAPPS schools in the rankings.

In Rank One, there’s 93 schools – including 23 who haven’t reported a single score yet this season.  17 of them are Division IV programs so maybe a few of them haven’t played yet.

Longtime (and retired) softball coach Billy Hicks, who runs the Texas Prep Softball site at, has diligently tracked down scores for all UIL, TAPPS and SPC programs.

However, he has 99 TAPPS schools.  (And 13 SPC schools to Max Preps’ seven.)

And there are few schools with the same record between any two sources.

Lubbock Trinity Christian is 15-7 with both Billy and Rank One.  Frisco Legacy Christian is 14-5-1 in both places.

Hyde Park is 17-1 in MaxPreps.  Texas Prep Softball has them at 19-1.  Rank One?  Wow.  A whopping 26-2!

What do you think?

Want us to take a stab at it?

TAPPS Division I and II and all SPC in a Large School with any large independents, such as San Antonio Cornerstone Christian.

And then TAPPS Division III and IV in a Small School with any other leagues, such as TCAF, T-CAL, TAIAO, TCSAAL or Homeschool?

In everything LSCSN does, we want all schools, programs, league officials, coaches, and players to have the best and the brightest lights shined upon them, but sometimes we have to work on tackling some of the issues in front of us too.

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