Sunday, May 19, 2024

1907 Gridiron Race In San Antonio

Much Interest in the Interscholastic League with the St. Anthony College Team in the Field

Only two weeks remain for the opening of the football championship series of the San Antonio Interscholastic Athletic League, and all of the four teams are down to work for the fray.

Interest in this season's race is centered in the possibilities of the St. Anthony college team, which has been admitted to the league.  This team is an unknown quantity in a league race, although is has played about every team in the leage.

Like the San Antonio Academy team was last season, the St. Anthony players are short on beef, the average weight of the players not being over 140 pounds, but they are a griftty bunch and this goes a long way and sometimes brings unexpected results.

Like last season, the team of Peacock Military School will be composed of excellent football timber and bids fair to be in the thick of the fight for the championship.

The Peacocks' most formidable rivals will probably be the high school squad, which won the championship and the Gazette cup last year.

The fight will likely be between the Peacocks and the high chools, while the San Antonio Academy and the St. Anthony College will have an interesting struggle between themselves as to who will bring up the rear end of the procesion.  These teams will be the lightweights of the league and when they get together some fast work can be looked for.

The fact that the excellent team of the West Texas Military Academy will not be in the league will not interfere with the gridiron work of the boys in gray.  They will be kepy busy fighting for honors with the big uns.  Arrangements are pending for games in the near future with the teams of the University of Texas, the Agriculutural and Mechanical College, Baylor University, St. Edward's College and the University of Tulane.  All of these will be big events and they will be watched with a great deal of interest.

(Source:  San Antonio Gazette, Saturday, October 12, 1907, Page 16)

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